Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Incredible Body

The human body is always one of my favorite things to teach. I have taught it every year since college and it gets more fun each time! Over the past two weeks, we have discussed the heart, lungs, ribs, esophagus, intestines, stomach, and brain. Of course, that led to conversations about bones (mainly the skull), veins,  eyes and ears, exercising, eating nutritious foods and other healthy habits. Each day we discussed a different organ and glued it onto our "bodies."

When we discussed the digestive process, we also discussed healthy eating. Everyone created a plate of nutritious food and presented their meal to the class.

When we discussed the lungs, we also talked about how important exercise is for our bodies. We did some exercising and discovered how much faster our pulse was after we exercised.

 Each day we glued on an organ onto our "bodies."

The finished product:

To end the unit, we went and saw  Bodyology with  Slim Goodbody! The kids had a fabulous time! Ali got called on stage to demonstrate her "marvelous muscles!"

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