Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Let me catch you up...

Thank you all so much for visiting my blog!! I'm still learning and making adjustments so please bear with me while I get things working. Since I am creating this in the middle of the year, I want to catch y'all up on what's been going on!

Each year every class gets assigned high school football players. This year our football players are Josh Stansell, Benji Stansell and Corey Cotton. The kids LOVE getting to see them and spend time with them.

The kids have been having a WONDERFUL time in centers too! 
John practicing inflectional endings in the games and puzzles center. 
The girls listening to "The Bear Who Wouldn't Share."
Using pointer hands to read big books in the library center. 

We love learning new things in Brainpop! 

Practicing addition fact with "ice team addition."

Then there was the (very sunny) homecoming parade! 

In reading groups we have been using different reading "tools." First up were the "reading glasses."
And we used our "pointer fingers" to help us track as we read. 

Thank you so much for stopping by! I am going to be posting several more posts soon so you can continue to see your child growing and learning in first grade! 

-Randi Foval 

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