Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Readers of the week- October 10th

Last week Cade and Hailey were our first readers of the week! They did a GREAT job. I am so glad they were able to get student interested in these books.

Hailey read "You Will Be My Friend!" She chose this book because it is about friendship. She read the book to the class the same day Coach BJ spoke about friendship in chapel. 

Cade read "Seeing Symmetry." He chose this book because it teaches symmetry. This book is so cool because not only does it explain what symmetry is but also has tons of real life examples of objects that are symmetrical. 
 I put their pictures on the hall bulletin board this week and I saw some 2nd grade students checking out Cade's picture then overheard them talking about symmetry while they were walking to lunch. I got to show the 2nd graders the book and talk about it with them. That is why I love this project so much! So many new book (from the classroom library, homes, and the elementary library) have been recommended and enjoyed by this project. 

Parents, thank you for helping your child find and practice reading their book! 

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